CCL Update
The Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) organization is best described as an independent associate of NAPS. IRS does not allow NAPS to provide any financial support of CCL. However, the CCL goals of creating a livable planet are congruent with the NAPS goals of conservation and stewardship. The Vulnerabilities to Climate Change described in the above article are all driven by forces outside of and larger than our local control. If we are to meet the NAPS mission of preserving our environmental heritage, it is dependent upon the work of the broader CCL organization.
The CCL at present is focusing on two areas: (1) education of the population of Northumberland County and the Northern Neck on the factors that drive current climate changes; and (2) mitigation of the climate changes by seeking legislation to put a price on greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the ongoing environmental distresses outlined in the “Vulnerabilities” essay. The second factor involves getting legislation passed by Congress putting a price on CO2 and other greenhouse gases through a fee on fossil fuels where they enter the economy, and rebating 100% of the revenues back to households in the form of a monthly dividend check. This is called Carbon Fee and Dividend (CF&D). Economic analyses show this approach results in job growth and a stimulated economy as well as reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. CF&D legislation is essential in partnership with us all supporting reducing carbon footprints and conserving energy as well as developing renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels.
The CCL group meets monthly on the first Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm at the Northumberland Library to discuss issues and strategies to get our Congressman, Rob Wittman, to take action to mitigate climate change. In other words, do something about the vulnerabilities. We have met with him and his staff on numerous occasions, so we know he understands the problems.