Highway Clean-up Help Wanted
The fall Adopt-a-Highway clean-up is set for Wednesday, October 26, 2016, starting at 10:30 a.m. from the parking lot of Wicomico Church in Wicomico Church, Virginia, located on Route 200.
NAPS is committed to pick up trash on the road from the church to Tipers Bridge. That’s a formidable stretch cluttered with the usual rubbish dumped by careless travelers. At the spring clean-up on Earth Day, there were not enough volunteers to cover the entire route.
So, coordinator Janice Mahoney is asking for more help. The more people who show up, the easier it is to get the job done. And the effort is worthwhile.
To sign up, call Janice at (804) 580-3154 or email to vervaville@yahoo.com.