NAPS Highway Pickup Clears 17+ Bags of Trash
The spring NAPS highway pickup was held on Monday, April 9th, 2018. Thanks to the hard work of our road crew, 17 bags of trash and several large pieces of cardboard and tires were removed from the sides of our Adopt-A-Highway stretch of Route 200 (from Wicomico Church to the Tipers Bridge).
Special thanks to Susan Christopher for providing the group with coffee and snacks prior to the start.
Want to join the crew for the next NAPS Adopt-A-Highway pickup? Contact Janice Mahoney at 580-3154 or

Highway clean-up volunteers (from left, back row): Don Imbur, Alice Imbur, Mike Ahart, Bill Estell, Jeanne Stevens, Janice Mahoney, Alice Stieve, Joe Stieve. (Front): Martha Talent, Charles Smith.