NAPS Highway Cleanup Clears Trash and Debris

NAPS performed a roadside trash cleanup Thursday, November 7, 2019, along Route 200 from Wicomico Church to the Tipers Bridge at the Great Wicomico River. The crew filled 15 extra-large bags with trash and left hundreds of pounds of larger items on the roadside to be removed by the Virginia Department of Transportation. Many bottles and cans in recyclable condition were recovered and dropped off at the transfer station.
The NAPS cleanup crew included Mike Ahart, Arthur Carver, Alice Imbur, Andy Kauders, Janice Mahoney, Charles Smith, and Martha Tallent.
“We recovered quite a few large items this time, including a chainsaw and car parts,” said Ahart. “We also found hundreds of feet of thick cable that looked like it was dumped over the guard rail by a contractor. New cable is being installed along the utility poles in the area, but this doesn’t look like it was put here to pick up later…and it certainly didn’t fall off a truck. I could imagine deer, dogs, or other animals getting snared in this mess. If the contractors have a good excuse for this, I’d like to hear it,” Ahart added.
According to the Code of Virginia (§33.2-802), illegal dumping is a misdemeanor punishable by confinement in jail for not more than 12 months and a fine of not less than $250 or more than $2,500, either or both.
Photos: NAPS Highway Cleanup Crew member Arthur Carver recovers hundreds of feet of discarded cable found behind the guardrail on Rte. 200.