Solar Update: One Year After Installation
On July 9, 2019, after certification of our solar panels (see the January 2020 NAPS article), a new digital “net” meter was installed by...

Solar Power in the Northern Neck
If you want to install solar panels, two interrelated questions must be answered: How much power do you want to produce? Will the panels...

‘Community Problem Solvers’ Help Push Solar Schools Ahead
For over a year NAPS members have been mentoring the “Community Problem Solvers” Northumberland Middle School student group as it has...

NAPS Supports STEM at NHS By Helping Fund Solar Energy Labs
As part of its support for environmental and STEM education, NAPS recently donated $500 toward material for Northumberland High School...

Save The Date: NAPS Annual Meeting & Special Solar Program - Sat. Feb. 23
Please save the date for the NAPS Annual Meeting & special "Solar in Northumberland" program: Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019, 10am-12pm, in the...

Sixth-Grade Problem Solvers Propose Solar For Northumberland County Schools
Click/tap images above to launch slideshow Northumberland schools will soon be going solar, if a group of ambitious sixth-graders can...

Four Northern Neck Homes to Participate in the 2018 National Solar Open House Tour - Oct. 6-7
On October 6 & 7, four homes in the Northern Neck of Virginia are holding an open house as part of the National Solar Tour organized by...

County Enacts Solar Zoning Amendments
With support from NAPS member, Lee Allain, the Northumberland County Planning Commission recently passed new Solar Zoning Amendments, set...

Northumberland Co. to Hold Hearing on Solar Installation, May 17
Northumberland County Planning Commission will hold a hearing next Thursday on proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance addressing...

NAPS Provides Technical Support to Planning Commission
The Northumberland County Planning Commission is currently updating zoning regulations to include photovoltaic solar installations. NAPS...