Dr. Gregory Haugan Is Leaving the Northern Neck

This is not an obit. Instead it is a fond farewell to a Northumberland institution, Dr. Greg Haugan. In April, he and Sue are moving across the state to the Westminster Canterbury assisted living facility in Lynchburg. To say that the Haugans will be missed is an understatement.
To list Greg’s contributions to the community is daunting. His contributions to the county as a volunteer consultant cover a staggering amount of complex work. He worked tirelessly on the Comprehensive Plan with other members of NAPS and leaves with the satisfaction of a job well done. In fact, the value of his contributions as a volunteer, if provided by an outside consultant, would add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
As a member of the NAPS Board, Greg has served as Treasurer. In addition, he was instrumental in launching the successful Earth Day Festival with an exhibition of environmental organizations, plus the 5K Earth Day Race/ Walk. As Treasurer, he set up the NAPS endowment program to finance scholarships for Northumberland High School graduates. In 2012 Greg received the “long overdue” NAPS Distinguished Citizen Award. At that time, he said that he has always followed NAPS objectives in the work he has done for the county. Speaking of NAPS objectives, Greg has left a page-long list of ideas to redefine our identity as a parting contribution.
Greg is the founder and leader of the Northern Neck Citizens Climate Lobby organization. In that capacity he has worked hard to educate the public about climate change and lobbied our elected officers, including Congressman Rob Wittman, about CCL’s objectives to put a price on carbon emissions and has also been pushing him to join the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. He chairs the monthly meetings, encourages letterwriting efforts, and represents CCL by tabling at exhibitions, such as the annual Boots & BBQ event sponsored by the Northern Neck Land Conservancy, the Strawberry Festival and Heathsville Farmers Market. He has participated in CCL’s annual national conferences and lobbying days with the Congress.
What, you may wonder, does Greg do in his spare time. He has presented courses for the Rappahannock Institute for Lifelong Living (and is giving one in March), written books about complex project management and sustainability, and managed his own international consulting firm. He has been active in the Betz Landing Homeowners Association where he was the president for its first several years and recently set up a scholarship endowment fund. He is a former member and treasurer of the Northumberland Library Board of Trustees.
Said NAPS President Mike Ahart, “I think I speak for the entire NAPS organization in thanking Greg for his leadership and tireless support. I’m personally proud to have worked with him.”
Needless to say, we will all miss Greg Haugan.