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Northern Neck Master Naturalists Planning Next Basic Training Class

The Northern Neck Master Naturalists (NNMN) chapter is preparing for the 2023 Basic Training Class (BTC). The class will begin January 14, 2023 and continue through November 20, 2023. Classes will break in mid-May for summer vacation and resume in mid-August.

The BTC provides a thorough review of naturalist topics such as mammals, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, botany, geology, and the interoperability that takes place within ecosystems. This year’s longer BTC schedule is in response to trainees’ feedback that there was not enough time to read and absorb all the topics covered. The longer duration will give trainees sufficient time to process the material as well as time to apply hands-on skills learned in class throughout the four seasons. Participants are not required to have previous education or experience in any of the topics.

Classes will be held two Tuesday evenings each month by Zoom. In-person field trips will be held once a month on Saturdays. These trips will take place at parks and natural areas throughout the Northern Neck and possibly the Middle Peninsula.

The NNMN chapter will hold information sessions this fall where prospective students can learn more about the course schedule, curriculum, and NNMN activities. In the meantime, visit the NNMN website or follow us on Facebook (Northern Neck Master Naturalists).

The 2023 BTC is contingent on recruiting at least 16 participants. The application process is open now. The application process includes completion of an application form, an interview, background check, and three references. The fee for course materials is $150. As in past years, the Chapter realizes that this fee may prevent some prospective students from participating in the BTC. Scholarships are available to cover the fee.


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