NAPS 6th Annual Earth Day Fest Postponed
NAPS was to be hosting the 6th Annual Earth Day Festival in“Downtown” Heathsville during the season’s first Farmers Market – Saturday, April 18, 2020, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; however, it will be postponed until at least July due to state and federal guidelines to combat the spread of COVID-19.
The April Farmer's Market has been canceled and the Tavern and NNK Run Running Club are working on rescheduling the other events (the Wine & Spirits Fest and the 5K Run).
We're shooting for an "Earth Day in July" on Sat. July 18 with dozens of environmental exhibits and activities set up by NAPS and other organizations. Check out for updates. As usual, it will be free and open to the public.
We hope you all take good care of yourselves and neighbors during this trying time and we look forward to getting back together when the time is right. If you know an organization or company that would like to exhibit at the rescheduled Earth Day Festival, please contact us at or (804) 313-0274 (Mike).